eiPie Innovations

Combining the imaginary and non-rational, with knowledge, to create real solutions


Social Security & Retirement Financial Modeling

Simple. Powerful. Much more than a retirement calculator.

Now available as an iPhone®/iPad® app!

(Updated January 2022 to 2022 Federal tax parameters, and still only about the price of a cup of coffee!)

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Link to SS&R in Windows App Store (FREE trial version available.)
Link to SS&R in Apple App Store (FREE; Includes In-App Purchase)

Why use SS&R?

Open SS&R User's Guide 3.2.0
YouTube Video
"SS&R - Longevity and When to Claim Social Security (6 min)"
YouTube Video
"SS&R - Overview (12 min)"

Don't put your financial future at risk by flying blind.
Let SS&R assist you in making smart decisions.

The following two SS&R screenshots show the potential impact, on a couple's financial future, of doing nothing other than changing the age at which they start collecting Social Security!

(Orange arrows added to point out SS filing age, asset line, and asset scale)
Sample Data: Jack & Jill Collecting SS at 62; Assets go negative (red) in 2046

Use the slider (at right of figure) to see the impact of changing the Social Security start age. TRY IT -->

Sample Data: Jack & Jill with ACTIVE SLIDER for Social Security claim age

SS Age




Social Security & Retirement Financial Modeling is a Windows app that has been developed to help those approaching retirement, or in retirement, get an assessment of what their financial future may hold. SS&R can help answer such questions as:

What Does SS&R Comprehend?

Answers to the above questions are always dependent on the particulars of our situation. Primary among those particulars are: Work status, anticipated longevity, marriage situation, retirement and non-retirement savings, expenses, pensions, and potential Social Security benefits. Given the difficulty of comprehending the interactions between income, savings, taxes, and Social Security benefits in even the short term, and given that retirement decisions can have a financial impact two, three, or even four decades down the road, help is needed to peer into the foggy future. Wouldn't you agree that having a means to combine the particulars, handle the interactions, and project the consequences of retirement decisions into and through our retirement years is worth more than a cup of coffee?

Additional information about SS&R is presented below, and further details are available in the pdf User's Guide (accessable at the top of the page). The SS&R's guide will step you through four example situations: Mary Lamb; Jack and Jill Water; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Horner; and Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Cole. The more time you spend evaluating, the more you will see the amazing value that SS&R provides!

Financial Model Inputs

If SS&R is going to comprehend the particulars of a person's, or couple's, financial situation, that means the user must provide* the pertinent data. What is required?

Along with entering the above information, the user may specify the values used by SS&R for Cost-Of-Living and Investment Growth Rate. SS&R, utilizing the key rules of both Social Security and the IRS, then does its work to create estimates of your financial future.

Social Security and the IRS

What elements of Social Security and the IRS does SS&R incorporate? For Social Security:

For the IRS:

What limitations and assumptions exist in SS&R relative to Social Security and the IRS? SS&R does not deal with Social Security benefits for children or the disabled, does not deal with the Government Pension Offset for workers who have, obviously, a government pension, and does not accommodate the Social Security “Windexing” provisions that may be beneficial to widows/widowers whose spouses died prior to age 62.

Relative to the IRS, calculations comprehend single or married status, but not head of household. Standard deductions are assumed, including, when appropriate, the additional deduction available to those over 65. It follows that itemized deductions are not accommodated, and neither are deductions for contributions to retirement accounts. Since SS&R is making estimates out into future years, it is assumed the structure of federal taxes remains fixed, but tax brackets are indexed to the projected cost-of-living changes. Required Minimum Distributions from tax-deferred retirement accounts are calculated, in all cases, using the IRS’s “Uniform Lifetime Table.” (If the account owner’s spouse is more than 10 years younger than the account owner, the less demanding “Joint Life and Last Survivor Expectancy Table” may be more advantageous.)

It should also be mentioned that capital gains on non-retirement assets are assumed to be realized each and every year. As required by the IRS, capital losses in excess of $3000 are carried over to the following year. SS&R, with default settings, assumes gains in non-retirement assets are split evenly between long-term capital gains and ordinary income items (e.g., short-term capital gains, CD interest, and non-qualified dividends). The user, however, has the option of specifying a different ratio if their non-retirement account investments are better represented by something other than a 50:50 split.

Because SS&R includes all the taxes typically encountered by Joe Taxpayer, but conservatively assumes standard deductions, tax estimates should tend to miss on the high side. Consequently, the calculation of total assets over time should tend to miss on the low side for those who benefit by itemizing deductions.

SS&R Feature Summary


SS&R, utilizing 2022 Social Security and US federal tax parameters, 2020 Social Security actuarial information, inputs/assumptions concerning future market performance and cost-of-living changes, along with inputs that describe a person's or couple's current financial situation, strives to project that situation out into the future. The world, however, is not orderly. As the bumper sticker says, 'Shit happens.' Rules change, situations change, and it's even possible, truth-be-told, that coding errors exist that impact the outputs of SS&R. Thus, SS&R is, and should be viewed as, a well-intentioned assistant, not a source of "Gospel truth."

*SS&R is not set-up to access the internet. Thus, for example, your Social Security PIA must be obtained independently and manually entered into SS&R. It should be noted, however, there is nothing to prevent a user from saving/loading an SS&R data file to/from an internet accessed storage location (e.g.,Google Drive).